2011 Upper Deck Marvel Beginnings Sketch Card Artist Checklist


Sketch cards are a common theme in modern Marvel trading card sets. The 2011 Upper Deck Marvel Beginning sketch card checklist is big. A total of 70 artists worked on the set.

Because of this, most artist’s cards are tough to find on an individual basis. None did more than 101 cards. Others have less than a dozen.

2011 Upper Deck Marvel Beginnings Sketch Card

Here’s a full artist checklist as well as the number of cards they did.

2011 Upper Deck Marvel Beginnings Sketch Card Artist Checklist

Aaron Sowd 36
Andy MacDonald 56
Arvin “John ACE” Evangelista 45
Ben Herrera 41
Ben Young 30
Bill Pulkovski 42
Billy Martin 21
Brandon Singleton 21
Brian Kong 45
Bruce Gerlach 45
Bryan Turner 10
Cal Slayton 45
Cat Staggs 26
Charles Hall 39
Chris Forman 28
Dan Gorman 78
Dan Panosian 28
Dave Ryan 49
David Mack 52
Eric Ninaltowski 45
Frank Kadar 47
Frankie B. Washington 99
George “GEO” Davis 29
George Calloway 45
Gilbert Monsanto 101
George Deep 50
Hamilton Cline 88
Hanie Mohd 99
Irma Ahmed 96
Jake Minor 43

Jason Adams 41
Jason Keith Phillips 101
Jerry Fleming 27
Jerry Gaylord 16
Jim Cheung 27
Joe Pekar 55
Joel Carroll 72
Johnboy Meyers 27
Jon Hughes 42
Jose Jaro 11
Joyce Chin 29
Kate Bradley 13
Katie Cook 27
Ken Steacy 29
Kevin Gentilcore 101
Kevin Graham 27
Lak Lim 45
Lawrence Reynolds 93
Lord Mesa 103
Mark de Castro 53
Mark Henry 20
Matt Grigsby 17
Mark McKenna 36
Matthew Minor 101
Michael Duran 83
Mike Miller 56
Remi Dousset 27
Remy “Eisu” Mokhtar 82
Renato “Butch” Mapa 31
Richard Molinelli 85

Richard Pace 28
Rose Lumibao 18
Roy Cover 44
Rusty Gilligan 15
Ryan Kincaid 45
Ryan Orosco 17
Sarah Wilkinson 54
Sebastian Mazuera 49
Travis Walton 99
Wendy Chew 12
